About Me

I am currently a senior Research & Development Software Engineer at Netcompany-Intrasoft as a member of the Research and Innovation Department (RID). For the last ten years I have been a member of CCI and ISL of ICS - FORTH as a Research & Development Engineer in Heraklion, Greece. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the University of Crete and a Master of Science degree in Graphic Arts and Multimedia from the Hellenic Open University with a focus on Ubiquitous Computing, IoT and Home Automation. My main current role is to lead and manage EU R&D projects to ensure the successful delivery of high quality solutions in the areas of software, data/ML and DevOps engineering.







Senior Research and Development Software Engineer | Netcompany - Intrasoft 2024-Present

  • Lead and manage R&D projects, ensuring the successful delivery of high-quality solutions across Software, Data/ML, and DevOps engineering domains.
  • Work with cross-functional teams to deliver technical R&D solutions, innovative prototypes, and proof of concepts, leading to the pre-commercialization of new products/services.
  • Implement technical and scientific deliverables (state-of-art, requirements, conceptual architecture, specifications, implementation/integration plans, prototypes, testing, etc.)

Research and Development Engineer | Foundation for Research and Technology 2014-2023

  • Design, implementation and development of web applications and services mainly open source in support of Greek and European projects.
  • Contribution in implementation of technical deliverables.

Customer Service | Cyta Hellas 2012-2014

  • Customer service and 1st level technical support (promotion of products and services VoIP, ADSL, IPTV).
  • Sales of telecommunication services to customers and businesses.

IT Administrator - Hellenic Army 2011-2012

  • Creating and maintaining a local network and ensuring its uninterrupted operation during the compulsory military service.

Call Center Representative & Outbound Call Center Agent | OTE 2010-2011

Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.


Hellenic Open University, Patra (Greece)

Thesis: «Interactive smart home emphasizing on energy saving management»
Supervisor: Stavrakis Modestos

University of Crete, Iraklion (Greece)

Thesis: «Illustration and renewal of 2-D geometric shapes after position transformations while maintaining relative positioning restrictions»
Supervisor: Panagiotakis Costas

Recent Work

RDF Visualizer

Petrakis K., Minadakis N., Doerr K., Theodoridou M. & Doerr M., “RDF Visualizer :A Tool for Displaying, Browsing and Exploring High Density RDF Data." In proceedings of 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2019), Auckland, New Zealand, 26-30 October 2019

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Digital Seafaring

An overview on a map of important operation services and voyages of ships and that have been transcribed from original logbooks that were written on the edge of the 19th century.

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Diagnosis is a web based information system (designed and developed in POLITEIA I project) which allows the user to document the whole process of technical examinations and scientific investigations on culture heritage objects.


Image Annotation Extension for Diagnosis

The Image Annotation tool (designed and developed in POLITEIA II project) allows the user to create semantically structured annotations on images related to Culture Heritage Objects real time when the technical examinations are taking place storing them on the Diagnosis information system.

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FastCat Data Entry Tool

FastCat is an innovative tool designed for historians and other researchers who need to manually digitize structured and semi structured historical documents in a fast and accurate way to create their research dataset. It combines the ease of use and quick data entry functions of the classic spreadsheet with the information accuracy typically associated with a complex database.

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Polygnosis is an online knowledge platform that can be used to improve access to information about the state-of-the-art laser applications and methods on the conservation, analysis and diagnosis of cultural heritage objects.

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Geognosis is an online knowledge platform that can be used to improve access to information about projects related to geophysical surveying and geospatial analysis carried out in the context of archaeological sites. The application is the result of collaboration between the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) and GeoSat ReSeArch Lab of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas.



Documentation System for Geophysical - Satellite Remote Sensing and Archaeo-environment is a web based information system (designed and developed in POLITEIA II project) which allows users to organize a large amount of technical reports and scientific investigations on archaeological sites.


Le Sommelier

Le Sommelier is a wine recommendation system, which allows users to choose wines harmoniously combined with their meal, but also to get additional information about each available wine. It is designed and developed by the Information Systems Laboratory.


Geographical Thesaurus Tool

Geographical Thesaurus Tool is a web application that offers the capability to query external geolocation services, in particular Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN) or Geonames, and get the unique ID, the geopolitical hierarchy and the coordinates of a location name.

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Smart Trip Planner

Smart Trip Planner is a standalone web application with a key role to present to the user all journey's details which start from a given departure location (city or station name), date and time and a specific minutes range.

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TALOS Project website

Design and implementation of the website of TALOS AI 4 SSH project.


PROTEAS Dodumentation System

Design and implementation of the documentation system of PROTEAS project in collaboration with National Gallery, IESL-FORTH, Printec and Up2metric.

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Messara Museum

Design and implementation of maps plugin for messara museum website


CALLOS documentation system

Design and implementation of the documentation system of Callos in collaboration with IESL-FORTH and Ephorate of Antiquities of the City of Athens.

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Digital Repository of Tourist and Cultural Content of the Municipality of Heraklion

Design and implementation of back end and API of the Digital Repository of Tourist and Cultural Content of the Municipality of Heraklion



Design and implementation of SPARQLyzer,a web application which allows users to dynamically scan ontologies, create classes and properties create graphical SPARQL queries and explore linked data.

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Design and implementation of a web application depicting geospatial data from urban and rural landscape in transition: Chandakas and the countryside, from Venetian to Ottoman Crete.



Paths is a multilingual web application that allows users to search and explore routes in GPX and KML formats and visualizes them on a map with multiple layers.

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PathsAdmin is a administrative web application which allows users to upload their routes and edit them to be visible from the Paths app.

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Papida S., Athanasiadou M., Petrakis K., Charami L., Angelakis D., Bekiari C., Melessanaki K. & Pouli P.,
"Digital Technologies for Heritage Conservation Labs Open to the Public. The Case of the CALLOS Project"
, International Conference on Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modeling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, 03 September, 2023.

Rinakakis G., Petrakis K., Tzitzikas Y. and Fafalios P.,
"FastCat Catalogues: Interactive Entity-based Exploratory Analysis of Archival Documents"
, ACM/IEEE Joint Conference On Digital Libraries, 26-30 June,2023, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.

Papida S., Athanasiadou M., Petrakis K., Charami L., Angelakis D., Bekiari C., Melessanaki K. and Pouli P.,
"Digital technologies for heritage conservation labs open to the public. The case of the CALLOS project"
, Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, 20-23 March 2023, Athens, Greece.

Fafalios P., Samaritakis G., Petrakis K., Doerr K., Kritsotaki A., Axaridou A. and Doerr M., "Building and Exploring a Semantic Network of Maritime History Data" Mediterranean Seafarers in Transition pp 509-535, October 2022.

Petrakis K., Paterakis M. , Angelakis D., “Heritage Annotator: Documenting, Browsing and Exploring Cultural Heritage Data" ERCIM NEWS 131, 13 October 2022.

Petrakis K., Paterakis M. , Angelakis D., Melessanaki K., Hatzigiannakis K., Giakoumaki A. , Philippidis A. , Siozos P., Sotiropoulou S., Pouli P. and Bekiari C., “Heritage Annotator: A Tool for Documenting, Browsing and Exploring Cultural Heritage Data" LACONA XIII, Florence, 12-16 September 2022.

Fafalios P., Konsolaki K., Charami L., Petrakis K., Paterakis M., Angelakis D., Tzitzikas Y., Bekiari C. & Doerr M., “Towards Semantic Interoperability in Historical Research: Documenting Research Data and Knowledge with Synthesis" In proceedings of 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2021), Virtual Conference, 24-28 October 2021.

Fafalios P., Petrakis K., Samaritakis G., Doerr K., Tzitzikas Y. & Doerr M., “FastCat: Collaborative Data Entry and Curation for Semantic Interoperability in Digital Humanities" Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 20 January 2021.

Petrakis K., Samaritakis G., Kalesios T., Delis A., Tzitzikas Y., Doerr M. & Fafalios P., “Digitizing, curating and visualizing archival sources of Maritime History: the case of ship logbooks of the 18th and 19th century" Journal Drassana (28), 2020.

Petrakis K., Minadakis N., Doerr K., Theodoridou M. & Doerr M., “RDF Visualizer: A Tool for Displaying, Browsing and Exploring High Density RDF Data." In proceedings of 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2019), Auckland, New Zealand, 26-30 October 2019.

Minadakis N., Petrakis K., Doerr K. & Doerr M., “RDF Visualizer: A Tool for Displaying and Browsing High Density of RDF Data" ERCIM News 111, 21 September 2017.


Javascript, Node.js, React, Vue.js


jQuery, Bootstrap

Java, Java Servlets, Web Services

Maven, Git, Github, Selenium

eXist db, viruoso, blazegraph, GraphDB


CouchDB, PouchDB


Leaflet, Annotorious, Chart.js

Docker, Jenkins, Harbor, Sonarqube, Keycloak


Raspberry Pi, OpenHAB

Illustrator, Photoshop

WordPress, Drupal, Joomla

Projects Involved


Nest Ingrained Ecosystem for Zero Emission Buildings


AI-empowered Edge Cloud Continuum for self-aware cognitive computing environments


Uptake of Innovative Application Cybersecurity Solutions


«Seafaring Lives in Transition. Mediterranean Maritime Labour and Shipping during Globalization, 1850s-1920s».


Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Data Networking in Europe - plus


The Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud


Culture-Technology-New Technologies in Research, Documentation and Access to information of Cultural Heritage Objects and Monuments»


The HiPER, ELI and LASERLAB Europe Synergy & IPERION-CH.GR


European Research Infrastracture for Heritage Science


Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Data Networking in Europe


Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies


A Europe-wide Interoperable Virtual Research Environment to Empower Multidisciplinary Research Communities and Accelerate Innovation and Collaboration


Creation of a digital service for the provision of solid cultural information in Crete and Cyprus.


Mediterannean Cultural Landscapes: Cultural Lanscapes of the Past in the Mediterranean


Culture-Technology-New Technologies in Research, Study, Documentation and Access to information of Cultural Heritage Objects and Monuments

Responsible ER

The objectives of ReponsibleER are: (a) to enrich the diversity of resolved entities (b) to ensure fairness of resolved entities (c) to enhance the transparency of ER systems


Advanced System for collection and management of analytical data for documentation and conservation of paintings in an open laboratory


Conservation of Athens Antiquities with Laser and Lidar Technologies Open to Science and Public