
2018-07-04: Object's uri tooltip appears in popover
2018-06-06: Wrong context menu bug fixed (when appears a same instance of an object)
2018-06-05: Single and double quote bug in predicates tooltip fixed
2018-03-08: Added schema_label & pref_labels properties to allow user leave empty pref_label to handle | character virtuoso on CentOS bug
2018-03-08: Handle empty name graphs in virtuoso db visualizing the whole databese
2018-03-08: Changed context path to from RDFVisualizer-webapp to RDFVisualizer
2018-02-20: Hide expand/collapse all buttons
2018-02-14: Fix help left menu icon. Added manual and guide links
2018-02-14: fix_dimension functionality commented out (from scripts.js) in order to be generic
2018-02-13: Rename about.html to changes.html
2018-02-12: Hide username password fields from future configuration page (prevent browsers show remember password messages)